Lake Bond Project (VMS)
7,200 hectare (72 km2) project hosting Lake Bond VMS Deposit.
Buchans-Roberts Arm Belt of submarine volcanic and sedimentary rocks – host rocks to past-producing Buchans (Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au) and Gullbridge (Cu) mines.
Targets are: 1) Additional VMS-style mineralization; and 2) Orogenic gold.
Historical VMS drill intersections (1956) include 3.31% Cu & 2.15% Zn over 4.78 metres in shallow massive sulphides (DDH NJZ-56-4)
VMS: Historical reserves (1976; Non-43-101 compliant) of 1.2 million tons @ 2.12% Zn & 0.31% Cu.
Gold: “Lake Bond Skull Pond Gold” occurrence with assay of 4 g/t Au in quartz-arsenopyrite veinlets.
Excellent year-round access and infrastructure with Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) 4 km east and the town of Badger 10 km east.